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May 2020


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Table of Contents:

#EDW Update: Check out IEDC's Daily Salons (1 message)
:NEDA Webinar | Regional Strategies for Recovery (1 message)
Article - The Risks - Know Them, Avoid Them (1 message)
Book Discussion Group for Small City Downtowns (1 message)
Business For All, Small Business Grants - COVID-19 (1 message)
Business Opening Guidelines from ICSC (1 message)
CDC guidance that was not released on reopening (1 message)
EDer Lunch Discussion Friday, 1:00 pm - Zoom Meeting (2 messages)
EDer Lunch Notes (2 messages)
EDer Lunch Notes - Town of Mansfield correction (1 message)
FW: Amazon to Acquire J.C Penny (1 message)
Fw: REMINDER FOR TOMORROW’S WEBINAR: Reopening Connecticut: What Commercial Landlords and Tenants Should Know Now and in the Months Ahead (1 message)
FW: We're here to offer you support and guidance. (1 message)
FW: Webinar - May 12th - CT Business Reopening - Review of New Guidelines with DECD Commissioner David Lehman (1 message)
FW: Zoom meeting invitation - Eder Lunch (1 message)
Globe Street Article on Re-Shoring and REgional Distribution (1 message)
Good Advice for your CRE Property Owners (1 message)
Governor's Executive Order for Outdoor Dining (1 message)
Help Identify Financial Resources for Small Businesses to Reopen CT (2 messages)
Help needed - Financial Resources for Small Businesses to Reopen CT (1 message)
Hownd — Economic Development of Business Districts (1 message)
Hyperlocal Support for Businesses - Opinion from Governing Magazine (1 message)
National Restaurant Association Reopening Guidelines (1 message)
new webinar - Bankruptcy planning (1 message)
Notes From IEDC's Small Business District Webinar (1 message)
Please ignore my last email -- sent the wrong one (1 message)
Please share with your businesses - Webinar - CT Business Reopening - Review of New Guidelines with DECD Commissioner David Lehman (1 message)
recommendations for retail and offices. (3 messages)
Restaurant guidelines (2 messages)
Restaurant/salon petitions (1 message)
Salon, barbershop and nail salons - guidelines (2 messages)
SBRA may hel small business (2 messages)
Stamford's Review of New Guidelines with DECD Commissioner David Lehman - webinar Recording (2 messages)
Temporary Outdoor Dining (8 messages)
The daycare conundrum (3 messages)
Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance (7 messages)
Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance - CDBG CARES ACT guidance and new waivers (4 messages)
Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance - Link to IEDC Webinar on CDBG Funding, and the PPT (1 message)
Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance - Reply Middletown (1 message)
Webinar - CT Business Reopening - Review of New Guidelines with DECD Commissioner David Lehman (1 message)
Zoom meeting invitation - EDer Lunch - Topic Reopening, Best Practices (1 message)





Subject Sorted by Subject, Chronologically




New Thread

#EDW Update: Check out IEDC's Daily Salons

#EDW Update: Check out IEDC's Daily Salons

Rebecca Nolan

Wed, 6 May 2020 14:34:00 +0000

1276 lines

New Thread

:NEDA Webinar | Regional Strategies for Recovery

:NEDA Webinar | Regional Strategies for Recovery

Marano, Thomas E.

Wed, 20 May 2020 21:00:14 +0000

1893 lines

New Thread

Article - The Risks - Know Them, Avoid Them

Article - The Risks - Know Them, Avoid Them

Rebecca Nolan

Mon, 11 May 2020 19:27:00 +0000

427 lines

New Thread

Book Discussion Group for Small City Downtowns

Book Discussion Group for Small City Downtowns

Brown, Laura

Thu, 7 May 2020 20:54:41 +0000

47316 lines

New Thread

Business For All, Small Business Grants - COVID-19

Business For All, Small Business Grants - COVID-19

Marano, Thomas E.

Thu, 7 May 2020 14:41:06 +0000

162 lines

New Thread

Business Opening Guidelines from ICSC

Business Opening Guidelines from ICSC

Bronk, Paige

Fri, 1 May 2020 12:58:24 +0000

714 lines

New Thread

CDC guidance that was not released on reopening

CDC guidance that was not released on reopening

Madden, Thomas

Thu, 7 May 2020 21:01:02 +0000

2975 lines

New Thread

EDer Lunch Discussion Friday, 1:00 pm - Zoom Meeting

Re: EDer Lunch Discussion Friday, 1:00 pm - Zoom Meeting

Mary Dickerson

Mon, 4 May 2020 17:27:59 +0000

363 lines

EDer Lunch Discussion Friday, 1:00 pm - Zoom Meeting

Marano, Thomas E.

Mon, 4 May 2020 17:24:02 +0000

176 lines

New Thread

EDer Lunch Notes

Re: EDer Lunch Notes

Raymond Carpentino

Mon, 11 May 2020 14:34:08 +0000

258 lines

EDer Lunch Notes

Marano, Thomas E.

Fri, 8 May 2020 20:43:54 +0000

416 lines

New Thread

EDer Lunch Notes - Town of Mansfield correction

Re: EDer Lunch Notes - Town of Mansfield correction

Cynthia A. vanZelm

Mon, 11 May 2020 13:18:29 +0000

465 lines

New Thread

FW: Amazon to Acquire J.C Penny

FW: Amazon to Acquire J.C Penny

Marano, Thomas E.

Tue, 19 May 2020 17:31:07 +0000

1038 lines

New Thread

Fw: REMINDER FOR TOMORROW’S WEBINAR: Reopening Connecticut: What Commercial Landlords and Tenants Should Know Now and in the Months Ahead

Fw: REMINDER FOR TOMORROW’S WEBINAR: Reopening Connecticut: What Commercial Landlords and Tenants Should Know Now and in the Months Ahead

Patrick McMahon

Tue, 26 May 2020 20:14:48 +0000

2334 lines

New Thread

FW: We're here to offer you support and guidance.

FW: We're here to offer you support and guidance.

Marano, Thomas E.

Tue, 5 May 2020 12:38:10 +0000

1761 lines

New Thread

FW: Webinar - May 12th - CT Business Reopening - Review of New Guidelines with DECD Commissioner David Lehman

FW: Webinar - May 12th - CT Business Reopening - Review of New Guidelines with DECD Commissioner David Lehman

Marano, Thomas E.

Tue, 12 May 2020 15:27:21 +0000

367 lines

New Thread

FW: Zoom meeting invitation - Eder Lunch

FW: Zoom meeting invitation - Eder Lunch

Joseph Feest

Thu, 7 May 2020 16:54:06 +0000

324 lines

New Thread

Globe Street Article on Re-Shoring and REgional Distribution

Globe Street Article on Re-Shoring and REgional Distribution

Marano, Thomas E.

Fri, 15 May 2020 14:54:04 +0000

165 lines

New Thread

Good Advice for your CRE Property Owners

Good Advice for your CRE Property Owners

Marano, Thomas E.

Tue, 12 May 2020 13:31:00 +0000

163 lines

New Thread

Governor's Executive Order for Outdoor Dining

Governor's Executive Order for Outdoor Dining

Marano, Thomas E.

Wed, 13 May 2020 12:51:03 +0000

361 lines

New Thread

Help Identify Financial Resources for Small Businesses to Reopen CT

Re: Help Identify Financial Resources for Small Businesses to Reopen CT

Bronk, Paige

Mon, 11 May 2020 15:37:15 +0000

287 lines

Help Identify Financial Resources for Small Businesses to Reopen CT

Patrick McMahon

Sat, 9 May 2020 18:17:50 +0000

130 lines

New Thread

Help needed - Financial Resources for Small Businesses to Reopen CT

Help needed - Financial Resources for Small Businesses to Reopen CT

Patrick McMahon

Sat, 9 May 2020 18:08:59 +0000

104 lines

New Thread

Hownd — Economic Development of Business Districts

Hownd — Economic Development of Business Districts

Rebecca Nolan

Fri, 1 May 2020 18:22:31 +0000

88 lines

New Thread

Hyperlocal Support for Businesses - Opinion from Governing Magazine

Hyperlocal Support for Businesses - Opinion from Governing Magazine

Marano, Thomas E.

Mon, 11 May 2020 19:19:57 +0000

153 lines

New Thread

National Restaurant Association Reopening Guidelines

National Restaurant Association Reopening Guidelines

Marano, Thomas E.

Thu, 7 May 2020 16:06:45 +0000

60477 lines

New Thread

new webinar - Bankruptcy planning

new webinar - Bankruptcy planning

Madden, Thomas

Thu, 14 May 2020 13:47:28 +0000

317 lines

New Thread

Notes From IEDC's Small Business District Webinar

Notes From IEDC's Small Business District Webinar

Marano, Thomas E.

Tue, 5 May 2020 20:28:29 +0000

421 lines

New Thread

Please ignore my last email -- sent the wrong one

Please ignore my last email -- sent the wrong one

Marano, Thomas E.

Tue, 5 May 2020 18:49:54 +0000

130 lines

New Thread

Please share with your businesses - Webinar - CT Business Reopening - Review of New Guidelines with DECD Commissioner David Lehman

Please share with your businesses - Webinar - CT Business Reopening - Review of New Guidelines with DECD Commissioner David Lehman

Madden, Thomas

Mon, 11 May 2020 14:24:08 +0000

828 lines

New Thread

recommendations for retail and offices.

Re: recommendations for retail and offices.


Thu, 7 May 2020 14:30:48 +0000

112 lines

Re: recommendations for retail and offices.

Tim Ryan

Thu, 7 May 2020 08:38:32 -0400

85 lines

recommendations for retail and offices.

Madden, Thomas

Wed, 6 May 2020 21:32:52 +0000

2345 lines

New Thread

Restaurant guidelines

Re: Restaurant guidelines


Wed, 6 May 2020 14:12:24 +0000

197 lines

Restaurant guidelines

Madden, Thomas

Wed, 6 May 2020 14:04:09 +0000

1848 lines

New Thread

Restaurant/salon petitions

Restaurant/salon petitions

Mark Cousineau

Wed, 13 May 2020 16:52:41 +0000

62777 lines

New Thread

Salon, barbershop and nail salons - guidelines

Re: Salon, barbershop and nail salons - guidelines

Marano, Thomas E.

Tue, 5 May 2020 18:16:35 +0000

68489 lines

Salon, barbershop and nail salons - guidelines

Madden, Thomas

Tue, 5 May 2020 15:38:52 +0000

579 lines

New Thread

SBRA may hel small business

Re: SBRA may hel small business

Tim Ryan

Fri, 1 May 2020 09:05:35 -0400

225 lines

SBRA may hel small business

Gold, Lindy

Fri, 1 May 2020 11:48:19 +0000

558 lines

New Thread

Stamford's Review of New Guidelines with DECD Commissioner David Lehman - webinar Recording

Re: Stamford's Review of New Guidelines with DECD Commissioner David Lehman - webinar Recording

Cal Hauburger

Thu, 14 May 2020 13:08:22 +0000

884 lines

Stamford's Review of New Guidelines with DECD Commissioner David Lehman - webinar Recording

Marano, Thomas E.

Wed, 13 May 2020 19:40:36 +0000

780 lines

New Thread

Temporary Outdoor Dining

Re: Temporary Outdoor Dining

Fred A. Messore

Mon, 4 May 2020 19:28:30 +0000

3670 lines

Re: Temporary Outdoor Dining

Tim Ryan

Mon, 4 May 2020 14:07:27 -0400

232 lines

Re: Temporary Outdoor Dining

Betsy Paynter

Mon, 4 May 2020 13:55:54 -0400

2377 lines

Re: Temporary Outdoor Dining

Heidi Samokar

Mon, 4 May 2020 17:51:39 +0000

649 lines

Re: Temporary Outdoor Dining

Burke, Jim

Mon, 4 May 2020 17:58:23 +0000

628 lines

Re: Temporary Outdoor Dining

Jason Vincent

Mon, 4 May 2020 17:35:12 +0000

400 lines

Re: Temporary Outdoor Dining

Jen Rodriguez

Mon, 4 May 2020 17:36:13 +0000

536 lines

Temporary Outdoor Dining

Mary Dickerson

Mon, 4 May 2020 17:11:54 +0000

332 lines

New Thread

The daycare conundrum

Re: The daycare conundrum

Delpha Very

Thu, 28 May 2020 15:38:36 +0000

365 lines

The daycare conundrum

Jen Rodriguez

Thu, 28 May 2020 13:12:54 +0000

349 lines

The daycare conundrum

Marano, Thomas E.

Thu, 28 May 2020 12:31:39 +0000

181 lines

New Thread

Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance

Re: Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance

Burke, Jim

Wed, 6 May 2020 14:12:56 +0000

512 lines

Re: Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance

Jason Vincent

Wed, 6 May 2020 14:06:41 +0000

211 lines

Re: Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance

Buckheit, Eileen

Wed, 6 May 2020 13:59:41 +0000

384 lines

Re: Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance

Jen Rodriguez

Wed, 6 May 2020 13:50:24 +0000

258 lines

Re: Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance

Barnhart, Mark

Wed, 6 May 2020 13:27:37 +0000

226 lines

Re: Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance

Madden, Thomas

Wed, 6 May 2020 13:26:52 +0000

242 lines

Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance

Burke, Jim

Wed, 6 May 2020 13:25:54 +0000

125 lines

New Thread

Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance - CDBG CARES ACT guidance and new waivers

Re: Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance - CDBG CARES ACT guidance and new waivers

Barnhart, Mark

Wed, 6 May 2020 15:14:28 +0000

768 lines

Re: Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance - CDBG CARES ACT guidance and new waivers

Matthew Sarcione

Wed, 6 May 2020 14:52:25 +0000

668 lines

Re: Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance - CDBG CARES ACT guidance and new waivers

Delpha Very

Wed, 6 May 2020 14:47:52 +0000

640 lines

Re: Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance - CDBG CARES ACT guidance and new waivers

Marano, Thomas E.

Wed, 6 May 2020 14:19:14 +0000

535 lines

New Thread

Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance - Link to IEDC Webinar on CDBG Funding, and the PPT

Re: Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance - Link to IEDC Webinar on CDBG Funding, and the PPT

Marano, Thomas E.

Wed, 6 May 2020 13:55:02 +0000

30799 lines

New Thread

Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance - Reply Middletown

Re: Use of CDBG Funds for direct financial assistance - Reply Middletown

Marano, Thomas E.

Wed, 6 May 2020 13:50:43 +0000

441 lines

New Thread

Webinar - CT Business Reopening - Review of New Guidelines with DECD Commissioner David Lehman

Webinar - CT Business Reopening - Review of New Guidelines with DECD Commissioner David Lehman

Madden, Thomas

Fri, 8 May 2020 19:50:24 +0000

263 lines

New Thread

Zoom meeting invitation - EDer Lunch - Topic Reopening, Best Practices

Zoom meeting invitation - EDer Lunch - Topic Reopening, Best Practices

Marano, Thomas E.

Fri, 8 May 2020 15:09:43 +0000

476 lines

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