

International Student and Scholar Services is posting this announcement as a public service. For more information,  contact

Lena Knowles at [log in to unmask]


Thank you.


Bob Chudy




·         Evening English Courses Begin March 3, 2014

Focus on Pronunciation

3/3/14-4/30/14 (8 weeks)

Monday & Wednesday (no classes during Spring break)

Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm

Fee: $150

Location: Whetten Graduate Center 301 (WGC on UConn Map)

Instructor: Cynthia DeRoma


In this course, students will develop tools to work on their pronunciation both in and out of class. The goal is not to eliminate a foreign accent, but instead to have a command of spoken English that will enable participants to convey and understand intended meanings and attitudes. Topics covered will include individual sounds, sound combinations, stress, vowel reduction, linking, rhythm, intonation, focus, pauses, and conversational speech. Content can be adapted to suit the group's needs.


Oral Communication & Presentation

3/3/14-4/30/14 (8 weeks)

Monday & Wednesday (no classes during Spring break)

Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Fee: $150

Location: Whetten Graduate Center 301 (WGC on UConn Map)

Instructor: Cynthia DeRoma


This course will help participants develop oral skills necessary for academic success as a student, instructor, or presenter. In the first session, we will work on identifying problem areas and setting up goals. The specific contents will then be determined based on the groups’ needs and interests, but usually include an overview of American English pronunciation, characteristics of effective presentations, expectations of American academic audiences, and cultural issues. Attendees will leave with a plan for continuing improvement.


Academic Writing

3/4/14-5/1/14 (8 weeks)

Tuesday & Thursday (no classes during Spring break)

Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm

Fee: $150

Location: Whetten Graduate Center 301 (WGC on UConn Map)

Instructor: TBA


This course is designed for international students from all disciplines who need to improve their writing skills to write clear, cohesive papers that meet American academic standards. While the actual content of the course will vary depending on each audience's needs, topics will generally include organization, academic integrity, using sources (quoting, summarizing, paraphrasing, citing), cohesion, coherence, and editing. Grammar and vocabulary will be addressed as needed.



**Please contact  Lena Knowles at UCAELI with your Peoplesoft number for enrollment.  [log in to unmask]

For more information, contact: Lena Knowles at [log in to unmask]