Please find a message below from our colleagues at the ACLU of Connecticut…

Lobby for Freedom with the ACLU of CT

We need you to help protect constitutional rights! Please join us at the state Capitol in Hartford on March 18 for Lobby Day 2014, where you will learn how to lobby your legislators on civil liberties issues.

We'll teach you how to talk to legislators and tell you about our legislative priorities for 2014. These include protecting privacy rights by regulating police use of drones. We will be working to protect individuals from police misconduct by requiring police to accept complaints from civilians. We'll support the regulation of police officers in schools through mandatory memoranda of understanding, requiring schools to specify what offenses will be handled internally as disciplinary matters and what will be handled by the police as a criminal matter. We will push for legislation that will eliminate life sentences for juveniles without the possibility of parole and also require parole hearings for people sentenced to more than 10 years for crimes committed when they were under the age of 18.

Lobby Day is organized by the American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut and co-sponsored by the NAACP of Connecticut and the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Connecticut. It will begin at 10 a.m. in the Old Judiciary Room in the Capitol building at 210 Capitol Avenue in Hartford.  Lunch will be provided.

Please sign up now by emailing ACLU of Connecticut Field Organizer Isa Mujahid at [log in to unmask]  

 More information is available at