

Hi All,
I have been working with Python quite a bit more since the Spring NeArc meeting but I'm still pretty new to it and had a question. I'm wondering how I can get a script to run not only on files in a folder, but also files in subdirectories within that folder. The script I put together goes into each MXD in the folder I specifiy and re-sources one of our files that has been renamed. It works, but I have MXDs saved in subdirectories and it would be so much easier to have the script run on the main folder "MXDs" rather than have to specify a new subdirectory everytime I want to run it on a set of MXDs.
Is this possible? My research suggests a walk function [os.walk()] or using the glob module?
Here is the code I have been using. Feel free to give any feedback on it as I am still a rookie with Python:
import arcpy, os
path = r"I:/ARC/DATA/MXDs/Weekly Report"
for fileName in os.listdir(path):
    fullPath = os.path.join(path, fileName)
    if os.path.isfile(fullPath):
        basename, extension = os.path.splitext(fullPath)
        if extension == ".mxd":
            mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(fullPath)
            print "MXD: " + fullPath
            for df in arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd):
                for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd,"",df):
                    findthis = 'Positive Trees'
                    findthat = 'Infested Trees'
                    if findthis in or findthat in
                        print( + " - Layer Resourced to Infested Trees")
print "--Script complete--"


Michael Lachance