Arm yourself with advanced PLS path modeling capabilities that have never been available in commercial software.
Live and Online Sept 8-Oct 10: SEM'n'R presents all-new training on previously unavailable PLS path modeling capabilities enabled by the combination of SmartPLS 3.0 coupled with the PLS-GUI extension.
Early registration (before Aug 31) $345/$295 (FT students), with financial aid available, includes 12-month licenses for SmartPLS 3.0 professional (beta) and PLS-GUI extension (beta). After Aug 31, this commercial software will no longer be free.
5 live, online 2.5 hour weekly class sessions taught in AM and repeated in PM from United States, accessible anywhere with an Internet connection.
Consistent PLS; Quadratic PLS; Orthogonalized moderation; Percentile permutation, bias-corrected, DavisonHinckley's and Shi's double bootstrap methods.
Conditional process analyses of direct, indirect, total mediating and moderating effects for complex, embedded conditional process models.
N-Group Multi-Group Analyses (MGA); Prediction-Oriented (PLS-POS) and Genetic Algorithm (PLS-GAS) Latent Group Segmentation implementations.
Automatic generation of Higher Order Component (HOC) models from base models (experimental feature). And more.
Suitable for beginner, intermediate, advanced PLS path modelers. Give yourself an advantage publishing your PLS path modeling results.


Geoff Hubona

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