We are soliciting no-cost users of our online PLS path modeling site,
It has many advanced features and reports, even at the basic linear PLS level. All reports are downloadable by right clicking in the top left corner of the tab of whatever report you want.

PLS-GUI performs multigroup MGA (any number of levels), Prediction-oriented latent group segmentation, Genetic algorithm segmentation, detailed mediation and moderation analyses for all of A.F. Hayes' 77 conditional PROCESS templates, calculates vifs, Cohen effect sizes, and more

Currently PLS-GUI cannot handle:

any missing data (right now)
spaces or hyphens inside any variable name
using the same variable name twice
product indicator moderator terms in an exported SmartPLS model used as input
repeated indicator HOCs (for no-no #3 above)

You cannot draw your model (yet), but it can import just about any sort of data file and any sort of output from SmartPLS 2.0 or 3.0 (.splsm, .splsp, .zip project file from 3.0)

Give it a try !

Geoff Hubona

Educational Research and Methodology Listserv ----------------------------------------------------------------- List Service Info http://listserv.uconn.edu To cancel your subscription address click please do the following: SEND an email to the following address: mailto (colon) listserv (at) listserv (dot) uconn (dot) edu Your email should contain only the message UNSUB EDRESMETH-L. Address problems with your subscription to: [log in to unmask] -----------------------------------------------------------------