

Registration is now open for the Northeast Geographic Information Society (NEGIS) spring conference at ESRI in Middleton, MA on April 8th & 9th. NEGIS is offering a half day workshop on ArcGIS online on April 8th and a full day of presentations from industry leaders on innovative applications and hot-topics on April 9th. Bring your laptops for the AOL workshop.


NEGIS is a charitable organization whose purpose is to: raise awareness and promote geographic information technology in the community; promote continuing education in geographic information technology and to share information throughout the community; award scholarships and internships to geographic information technology students, who are pursuing relevant degrees, certificates or using geographic information technology as an integral part of their degree or learning experience (at the post-secondary level); and, fund the scholarships through conferences, lunch and learn events, and other activities to elevate awareness.


For more information:

To register for the conference:

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