

Fire Department for Kids who are Homeless

March 16, 2015

How does Hartford’s growing population of homeless teens access legal help when they don’t even
have an address to receive mail? John Voket and the award-winning For the People will introduce
you to a new mobile legal services clinic recently launched by the Center for Children’s Advocacy.


Barriers that Keep Poor Kids Out of School

Huffington Post
March 16, 2015

Education is often touted as an avenue to escape poverty. But in the United States, poor children are far more likely to be chronically absent from school than kids from more fortunate families. More than one in 10 American students are chronically absent.

Absenteeism matters. It is more strongly associated with dropping out than low test scores. The reasons that children from low-income families miss more school are varied. Their families may not have the ability to advocate for proper services for students with learning or physical disabilities. They may live in poor quality housing that puts them at risk …