Hello NEARC,


I’m writing to see if any of you who have experience working with the Network Analyst extension could give some advice on where to obtain an accurate network dataset on a state or county scale. I’m aware that ESRI includes one with the purchase of Street Map Premium, but I am questioning it’s accuracy and reliability on a local scale since it spans the entire continent of North America.


Alternatively, if you’ve created a network data before, I’d be interested in what your workflow was, specifically for creating a turns feature class (a particularly daunting step when you start researching the topic).


Also, is it possible to set a preference to a certain road attribute when routing? Attributes that I’ve added into my road network perhaps?



Feel free to ask questions if it helps! Thanks!


Kind regards,


Michael Lachance, GIS Specialist

Dawood Engineering, Inc.,

An ENR Top 500 Company

135 Main Street

Sturbridge, MA 01566


t: 774.490.7074 (x2013)

f: 724.746.0732




Kind regards,


Michael Lachance, GIS Specialist

Dawood Engineering, Inc.,

An ENR Top 500 Company

135 Main Street

Sturbridge, MA 01566


t: 774.490.7074 (x2013)

f: 724.746.0732



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