

Hello 4-H families,
With this Saturday's auction quickly approaching, I wanted to remind you that this is the MAJOR charity event for the Middlesex County 4-H Program for the year.  This is how we provide scholarships, camperships, help pay for CWF, and bring in speakers and special supplies for the county program. 

It will be great to see all the baskets that the 4-H clubs donate and all the items people have been able to collect.  I know the 4-H members will be creative and make them special!

How can you help?  Well. you can bake for the food table, and package things like cookies or brownies in smaller bags for sale.  You can donate items you have used gently and are no longer using - or that you have outgrown use for.  If you own a business you could consider a gift card donation.  We auction off plants... if anything in your yard can be separated that would be fantastic!  Hand made items like pillows, mittens, scarves and such are always nice.

It might seem last minute....  Well we will have UCONN ice cream for sale on Saturday, along with hot dogs, chili dogs and other sandwiches.  Why not just come down for supper? Even if you don't want to get an auction item - all the food proceeds will help the 4-H program as well.  There are raffles and kids raffles too.

4-H members can be runners for the auction which will keep them busy and engaged, as well as be a community service.  Giving back is so very important.

Donations will be accepted business hours today 8-5 and then tomorrow 8:00 am -8:00 pm, please consider making a donation if you have an appropriate article that you are not using.  Or bringing a donation of an item or plant from a local business.

Can't wait to see everyone Saturday!
