

Please respond to ME, not the whole listserv! Thanks.

Three topics on which I would appreciate input:

1.      ESRI technical session topics - what would you like to see?

2.      Vendor suggestions - I would like to hear from companies who might consider being a vendor but either haven't participated in this conference before or have stopped participating (share your questions, concerns, what didn't work in the past, etc., your suggestions for what does work at conferences in which you have participated).

3.      It would also be great if anyone who knows of a company that would be a good fit (hardware, software, services - anything that is or could be connected to geospatial technology) would pass along company name and/or contact info.

Here is the link to the NEARC website if you would like more info about our group. Feel free to send me questions as I am the co-chair of this year's conference.

Thank you for any time you can spare to send your input and help us make this year's conference (the 30th!) fun and useful.


Please Note New Email and Mailing Addresses!
Leslie Pelch, GISP | Outreach Coordinator
Vermont Center for Geographic Information
1 National Life Dr, Davis Bldg, 6th Floor|Montpelier, VT 05620-0501

Connect with us via Facebook<>, Twitter (@VCGI), Linked In<>, and our Wordpress Blog<>

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