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GeoTech Center

SAVE THE DATE!! Wednesday, June 17 at 2:00 PM Eastern

GeoTech Center Webinar:



Date and Time: June 17, 2015, 2:00 PM Eastern


Presenter: Rich Schultz

Affiliation: Southern New Hampshire University and GeoTech Center

Title: “Takeaways from GeoEd’15: Reflections on a Conference

Register here for this webinar:


Abstract: The National Geospatial Technology Center of Excellence held their annual GeoEd’15 Conference in Louisville, Kentucky during the second week of June, 2015. Two full days of workshops included topics such as ArcGIS Online, open source software, ArcPY and use of Python programming language, the Collector App for ArcGIS Online, tools and products of the GeoTech Center, ArcGIS Pro, using the Geospatial Awareness Model Course, remote sensing and imagery use in ArcGIS Desktop 10.3, and an open educational forum. A special one-day mini-conference on UAVs (Unmanned aerial vehicles) was held after the formal conference.


During the formal conference day, presentations included such topics as the GTCM, GISP examination for GISCI, NSF-funded projects in GST from GeoTed, Weber State University, Kaskaskia College, and Monroe Community College, geospatial intelligence (GeoINT), ArcGIS Pro, the GeoTech Center’s Model Courses, integration of GIST into other disciplines across campus, a status update of the GeoTech Center, and the presentation of the GeoTech Center Awards including Outstanding Educator, Outstanding Organization, and Lifelong Achievement Award. Additionally a presentation was made on a modularized version of the Geospatial Awareness course and discussion of microcredentials.  The formal conference concluded with lightning presentations made by several geospatial workers.


This webinar presents key takeaways from the workshops and conferences and highlights the event as an annual gathering of prominent national geospatial workers.



Length: 40-45 minutes: There will be ample time for questions and answers following the presentation.


Register here:


The National GeoTech Center will be presenting monthly FREE webinars on the

third Wednesday of each month at 2:00 PM Eastern time. SAVE the DATES!


Upcoming GeoTech Center Webinars:

·         July 15, 2015: 2:00 PM Eastern: Speakers: Steven Johnson and Mikel Maron, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) and Presidential Fellow, U.S. Department of State: “OpenStreetMap, Active Learning in the Classroom for Humanitarian Need” Register here.

·         August 19, 2015: 2:00 PM Eastern: Speaker: Ming-Hsiang Tsou, San Diego State University: “How Can Geospatial “Big Data” Help Disaster Response and Track Disease Outbreaks? Transform Innovative Geospatial Technology to Solve Real World Problems.” Register here.

nsf.govFunded in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Options expressed are those of the authors are not necessarily those of the National Science Foundation. DUE # 1304591.


Questions? [log in to unmask]






Richard B. Schultz, Ph.D., GISP, C.P.G. | Full-time Science Faculty | College of Online and Continuing Education – STEM |Southern New Hampshire University | Remote office: 800 W. Central Road, Suite 108 | Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 | Ph. 312.231.8779 | [log in to unmask]


GeoTech-Tiny  NSFLogo-tiny 

National Science Foundation ATE Grant, Associate Director - Co-PI - Webinar Director

National Geospatial Technologies Center of Excellence – DUE: 1304591


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