

From: Public News Service
Hundreds of Summer Meal Sites: So Connecticut Children Don't Miss a Beat or a Meal<>
        [] <[]&title=[Hundreds+of+Summer+Meal+Sites%3A+So+Connecticut+Children+Don%27t+Miss+a+Beat+or+a+Meal]&summary=[HARTFORD%2C+Conn.+%26%238211%3B+While+many+students+can%27t+wait+for+the+school+year+to+end%2C+tens+of+thousands+of+local+parents+are+thinking+about+how+to+feed+]&img=[]&pageInfo=%7B%22hostname%22%3A%22[]%22%2C%22publisher%22%3A%22[ur-9c40321a-160c-a11-b148-3c072ea2aa1e]%22%7D>  [] <>
June 8, 2015 - Mike Clifford, Public News Service (CT)

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PHOTO: More than 400 sites are gearing up to make sure that Connecticut children don't go hungry when school lets out later this month. Courtesy: End Hunger Connecticut!

HARTFORD, [] Conn. – While many students can't wait for the school year to end, tens of thousands of local parents are thinking about how to feed their children when the school lunchroom closes.

Dawn Crayco, deputy director, End Hunger Connecticut, says the summer months often mean more child care costs and other expenses that can stretch a family budget to the limit.

More than 150,000 children in Connecticut rely on free and reduced price meals during the school year, and Crayco says parents can turn to plenty of places for their children to get fed this summer.

"Over 400 locations where any kid 18 and under can go and get a free meal during the summer so that they don't miss a beat," she points out.

A new report<> from the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) ranks Connecticut in the top 10 for reaching children with nutritious summer meals.

Nationwide, the report says on the average day last summer more than 3 million children took advantage of free lunch programs. That's an increase of more than 200,000 nationwide from the year before.

Crayco says one strategy that works all over New England is combining summer meals with fun and learning. She says it not only gets more children fed, but it also keeps them in better shape both mentally and physically.

"Coming back to school in the fall, they're engaged intellectually because a lot of these sites have activities that are also going on – and physically, because a lot of them have recreation as well," she explains.

Crayco says End Hunger Connecticut is gearing up for Summer Meal Blitz Days where volunteers knock on doors and saturate neighborhoods with flyers to inform people about the closest summer meal locations and let them know about all the activities also available at meal sites.

The first Summer Meal Blitz<> Day takes place June 20 in New Haven.

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