The 2015 conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing (IACAT) is scheduled for 13-15 September in Cambridge, UK, hosted by the Psychometrics Centre and the University of Cambridge.  Proposals for papers to be presented at the conference will be accepted through July 31.  To submit a proposal, please visit

Interested in learning more about CAT? Come and join us at the fifth IACAT conference.

·         Attend one of four three-hour pre-conference CAT workshops

·         Learn from international CAT experts such as Hua-Hua Chang, Cees Glass, Kyung (Chris) Han, Michal Kosinski, Wim van der Linden, Heinz Holling, and Kevin Wilson, who will present keynotes

·         Participate in symposia such as “CAT Around the World” with discussions of CAT research and implementations from seven different countries

·         Stay up to date on current CAT research from active CAT researchers

·         And share knowledge and experience with the others interested in CAT

 More information is available on the IACAT website  

David J. Weiss, Professor of Psychology
Editor, Journal of Computerized Adaptive Testing
Editor Emeritus, Applied Psychological Measurement
N660 Elliott Hall
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis MN 55455-0344 U.S.A.
Phone 612-625-0342  Fax 612-626-0345

Interested in Computerized Adaptive Testing?
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