

State pushes to end court oversight of Hartford school desegregation

CT Mirror
September 4, 2015

Stone said the issue comes down to whether the state can be trusted to voluntarily provide diverse school settings for the nearly 10,000 city students still in segregated schools without court supervision.

“Honestly, who will stand up for them?” she asked.

A Connecticut Mirror review last year of student enrollment in districts across the state found that minority isolation in large cities has intensified over the years.

The Supreme Court order in the Sheff case to remove educational inequities caused by Hartford’s largely minority school population does not apply to other districts with high concentrations of minority students.
In Bridgeport, for example, the percentage of minority students in public schools has risen progressively from 51 percent in 1968, to 84 percent in 1988, to 91 percent in 2013.

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