

The Hartford Courant gave in-depth coverage to a bill that was initiated by CCA Attorney Bonnie Roswig and other advocates. The story relates the major concerns of the Human Services Committee about the performance of Logisticare, the company hired by the State to coordinate medical transportation to Medicaid recipients. The link is below.



... (a) bill proposed by lawyers Sheldon Toubman of New Haven Legal Assistance and Bonnie Roswig of the Center for Children's Advocacy that gives DSS a deadline to add safeguards and accountability measures to the contract or re-bid the job.

A spokesman for DSS, David Dearborn, acknowledged Friday that "the level of complaints and the way the contractual process has turned out are definite problems. We are looking at various options to resolve this, ranging from amending the contract … to possibly overhauling the entire program," Dearborn said.

Logisticare has received annual 7.5 percent bonuses that, over the life of the contract, will total $1.8 million.

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Please contact Bonnie Roswig [log in to unmask]  if you have questions about this issue.