

The Center for Children's Advocacy Seminar Series presents

Confronting and Countering Implicit Bias

June 15, 9:15  - 11:30 am
UConn School of Law, Hartford
Starr Hall, Davis Courtroom

Welcome and Introductions
Leon Smith, JD
Director, Racial Justice Project, Center for Children's Advocacy

National Perspective
Bobby Constantino, JD
Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice, St. Joseph's College, Brooklyn, New York
Founder, Model Gun Violence Prevention Program
Hannah Benton, JD
National Center for Youth Law, Oakland, CA
Michael Harris, JD
National Center for Youth Law, Oakland, CA

Panel Discussion: Connecticut Perspective
Implicit bias in education, special education, school-based arrests, police-youth interactions
Karen DeMeola, JD, Moderator
Assistant Dean of Students, UConn School of Law
Troy Brown
Manager of Administrative Services. CSSD Training Academy and Multicultural Affairs Unit
Cultural Competency and Implicit Bias
Ken Barone
Policy and Research Specialist, Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy, CCSU
Author, Connecticut Racial Profiling Prohibition Project
Lara Herscovitch
Deputy Director, Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance
Leon Smith, JD
Director, Racial Justice Project, Center for Children's Advocacy

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