

Hi , my name Tamara Cunningham I am part of the Redeemed Outserach program that assist homeless , low-income,  disabled, infant,  Mental illness popular in Hartford Ct. We are trying to empower them amd provide cook food ,grocery,  clothes and life skill training. Their will be a after school program, summer programs and the building will be open durimg the winter on cold day so they can sleep , get clothes and cook for them . I would like any help that you can give us and to let these people know about the program.  Thank you so much for your time

On Jun 2, 2016 11:21 AM, "Jennifer Celentano" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello all,
Wondering if a hospital automatically does a referral to DCF when a minor has a child? The minor child is 15 and will turn 16 next month. She is due sometime in October. I have had several cases involving pregnant minors and the referrals were from the hospital. I wanted to find out whether there is a mandatory Referral from the hospital or is it discretionary? Thanks in advance for any responses.

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