

Included with this email are the following attachments:

Preparing Record Books and Exhibits: Information on how judging should take place; registration plans for both Wednesday August 3rd (bring your non-perishable items) and Friday August 5th. Independent members should ask an adult who is familiar with their work to evaluate their record book.

Record Book Score Sheet one/two per page (two attachments): Individual score sheet for record books ( stays with the record book)

Record Book Validation for Members: This is in triplicate for leaders evaluation more than one record book. Only one section needs to be completed for each member. After scoring, the top half should be affixed to the book and the bottom half given to the 4-H member to present at the registration table to receive their arm band.

Club List of Record Books Evaluated: To be completed and turned in by the person evaluating each club's books. Envelopes with the appropriate number of ribbons will be available at the end of the fair for pick-up. Evaluators should include page two - examples of success stories.

The only record books which are turned in during registration are the club leader's nominations for 1st year record book, junior record book and senior record book.

Extra forms will be available at the Fair meeting next Monday, July 11. Any questions - contact Emily or Peggy