

The Middlesex County 4-H advisory will be again providing a food booth for our 4-H fair.  This hard working group raises money for our county program and provides scholarships, camperships, and educational activities like skill-a-thon, food show and survivor day.

If each family that can afford to, donates a 12 pack of soda, some bottled waters, or some ice tea that would be fantastic!  The more donations we get - the more total profit we make.  Donated beverages are 100% profit and all that money goes to the kids!!!

Please do not bring energy drinks like Monster or Red Bull.

Drinks can be dropped off at fair set up this Saturday in Durham at 9:00 am and  also Wednesday night at home arts check in.  Or they can be dropped at the 4-H office until Wednesday August 3rd, between 9am and 4 pm.

Thanks in advance
