

SSI for Youth Transitioning out of Foster Care A TOOLKIT FOR ADVOCATES

"We know that foster youth with disabilities face a tremendous uphill battle as they prepare for adulthood and independence," said Karen Lindell, an attorney at Juvenile Law Center.


New Social Security Policy Benefits Youth Leaving Foster Care

Online Toolkit Now Available to Immediately Assist Families

A new policy from the Social Security Administration (SSA) went into effect on August 1st to allow foster youth of all ages with disabilities to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits six months before they leave care. This policy will remain in effect for one year, after which SSA will evaluate its success and make any necessary modifications.

SSI is a federal needs-based program for children and adults with limited income and resources who are disabled, blind, or age 65 or older. Individuals who are eligible receive a monthly cash payment. The 2016 payment amount for an individual without any other income is $733. Community Legal Services, Juvenile Law Center, and Homeless Advocacy Project created a special toolkit to help qualifying persons take immediate advantage of this new policy and get the urgent support they need to make successful transitions. The toolkit will help guide foster youth with disabilities who are preparing to transition out of foster care and is available at<> or<>.
Read the full press release >><>
