


I have a question for Municipal GIS employees out there.

What is your department's policy, in regards to allowing access to your online GIS System, with local Board and/or Committee members?

Here is the situation I am faced with:

Our town has a "public" GIS website, which houses general data layers for viewing property records and other basic town-related data.

Our town also has a "staff" site, which requires a login to access additional data layers, such as sensitive demographic data and water/drainage features. Although these data layers are considered public-record, the town requires permission to access this information.

Recently though, I have been getting requests from town Board and Committee members, who want to access the town's staff website's log-in information to view data while using the website tools.

I am aware that I have options available, that can provide the necessary functionality to these people, without completely turning over the "keys to the car".
However, I am curious as to whether any other communities out there have a specific written policy regarding the handling of this situation.

If so, would you mind sharing that policy with me? I am looking to establish some written guidelines here.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.


Brendan Decker, GISP<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Town of Wayland
GIS Coordinator
41 Cochituate Road
Wayland, MA 01778
Tel: 508-358-3654
Fax: 508-358-3808


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