

I have a question for Municipal GIS employees out there.


What is your department’s policy, in regards to allowing access to your online GIS System, with local Board and/or Committee members?


Here is the situation I am faced with:


Our town has a “public” GIS website, which houses general data layers for viewing property records and other basic town-related data.


Our town also has a “staff” site, which requires a login to access additional data layers, such as sensitive demographic data and water/drainage features. Although these data layers are considered public-record, the town requires permission to access this information.


Recently though, I have been getting requests from town Board and Committee members, who want to access the town’s staff website’s log-in information to view data while using the website tools.


I am aware that I have options available, that can provide the necessary functionality to these people, without completely turning over the “keys to the car”.

However, I am curious as to whether any other communities out there have a specific written policy regarding the handling of this situation.


If so, would you mind sharing that policy with me? I am looking to establish some written guidelines here.


Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.





Brendan Decker, GISP

Town of Wayland

GIS Coordinator

41 Cochituate Road

Wayland, MA 01778

Tel: 508-358-3654

Fax: 508-358-3808




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