Our company uses both depending on the need. We use R for our static dataviz and quick exploratory analysis.  For that it is hard to beat. Neither R or Python is going anywhere anytime soon and both serve different needs with some overlap. I would recommend using both depending on the need.

On Jan 11, 2017 3:15 AM, "Rueben Ternes" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Python has indeed seen a resurgence in usage. At least, if you follow Kaggle competitions

As far as data visualizations go, I can't really say much about Python - But R's data visualizations have always left me frustrated. It has infinite flexibility - and infinite hassle. So building the visualization you want is more work than I ever have had time for.  


On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 6:27 PM, Jillian Frederickson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Apologies if this topic has already been submitted to the listserv -- I couldn't find it. I recently got in an argument with a colleague about whether R's usage is declining.

His point was that Python was experiencing a renaissance and that more visualization tools were being built for it in relation to modeling and statistics.

If others agree that Python is the future, it would be great to see examples of what's available in terms of visualization add-ons. Would love to hear what you think.

Mizzou / missouri.edu
Other projects: http://www.slumbersearch.com

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Reuben Ternes
Assistant Director
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