

The Middlesex County 4-H Advisory is holding an afternoon of learning fiber arts,

Fiber February
Please join us on Sunday February 26, 2017 for some informal fiber workshops.  It is open to anyone, not just 4-H members, and we are welcoming anyone that would like to learn, teach, and/or share.  Please note that all participants will be held to the 4-H Code of Conduct standards; and children under 10 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.

*The Advisory has 4 rigid heddle looms that can be used for your project.  They will be assigned on a first come - first reserved basis.  An assistant will instruct you on how to warp the loom and start a project on it.  The looming project will likely take the entire 3 hour course time.
Please return your form to Carol ([log in to unmask]) by Friday February 17th

Please use the attached form to register

Emily & Carol