We (Blue Marble Geographics) are looking for a software developer to work on our software applications and toolkits. We are a cutting edge, software development company focused on GIS and mapping software solutions. We are seeking a software developer to assist with implementing the next generation of our industry standard GIS software tools. The successful candidates will have a proven ability to analyze, design and implement large software development projects.



Development tasks will require an intimate familiarity with low level C++ software development. The successful candidate will have a proven ability to analyze, design, and implement large projects. Experience in GIS is desired, but candidates with strong mathematical/spatial skills will be equally considered as well. This is an opportunity to work within a progressive, small team-oriented group that is part of a stable growing company. Successful candidates will have the ability to interact with customers and peers in a variety of technical situations.

As with any small team the willingness to be both a cook and a bottlewasher is never under appreciated. Blue Marble Geographics is the place to be if you have a desire to learn new things every day and create effective code. C++ development using Visual Studio a must. Experience with OpenGL, MFC, Java, C# and VB .NET, or C++ with GNU compilers in a Mac/Unix environment also a plus.

Cover letter is required and email is preferred. *** Please specify salary requirements in cover letter ***

Benefits: Fully covered health insurance, paid vacation, profit sharing, 401k, casual attire. Fun casual atmosphere. Excellent flexibility with a varied and challenging workload.

Education: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, GIS or equivalent experience required.

Location: The company is headquartered in Hallowell, Maine but remote employees are welcome.


Blue Marble Geographics is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact Blue Marble Geographics at [log in to unmask] with a resume and cover letter.


Thank you,


Myles LaBonte

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