

Due to an unforeseen conflict, Mrs. Halfinger needs us to change the date of the garden project scheduled for tomorrow night!

Please know that the new date is June 14th at 6:00 pm.  All other information is the same. 

I had the following people registered - please let me know your status.  If you now can attend and were not planning on the previous date, please let me know I will take registrations up to the 12th.

George Hebert			
Alex Wilson			
Wyatt Haswell-Bonaiuto	
Abby Denison			
Chloe Denison			
Joey Distefano			
Laura Distefano		
Henry Distefano		
Lauren Lenihan			
Emmet Day			
Rena Mainetti			
Tommy Kekacs			
Jake Cook			
Morgan Cook
