Hi Everyone,


Please save the date for CT GIS Day event, Wednesday November 15th at Yale University in New Haven. We have a full day planned, including free lunch and a cocktail and cake reception. Because of these details, we would really appreciate if we could get a rough idea of how many of you are interested in attending the event. Please take a minute to RSVP. We understand your circumstances may change between now and GIS Day, but it’s helpful for us to have an idea of our numbers as we plan for the day. Agenda and speaker details will be posted on the GIS Network GIS Day page soon! If you’re interested in presenting some of your most excellent work at GIS Day (or know someone else that should), please contact me.


RSVP now (don’t wait!): http://s.uconn.edu/gisdayrsvp




Cary Chadwick

GIS Network Education Chair

GIS Day Planning Committee




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