

As folks within City Hall are currently reviewing both permitting software, as well as asset management/workorder software, I blew the dust off my old list serve posts on this subject, as well as the software comparison spreadsheet that has been kicking around for a decade plus.


But….as the dust was fairly heavy, I thought I would conduct the annual ritual of asking the GIS community as to any thoughts/recommendations/insights/arguments ?


At this point, it looks like the tools will be kept separate, with Planning leaning towards the selection of MuniCiti, over Viewpoint, IworQ,  and some others.  And then DPW weighing pros/cons of CitiWorks, CarteGraph, etc., for asset management. 


In an ideal world, from my selfish perspective, the tools selected would have a web interface, would be affordable, and would work seamlessly with our existing GIS, i.e. one “mother ship” geodatabase that is available to these tools.  Additionally, I am advocating for the selection to be based on the strength of the permit or asset management functionality, and to not get attracted to GIS functionality that the tool may offer, as we already have that base covered.


Any insights greatly appreciated,




Mark Goodwin, GISP

Lebanon Planning Offfice

51 N. Park St.  Lebanon, NH  03766


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