The Vermont Geospatial Forum provides a yearly opportunity to build technical knowledge, learn about cool GIS projects, and connect with peers and mentors. This year VCGI is expanding the program to include a strong data science focus and renaming the event GeoDatSci to incorporate the change. Registration for GeoDatSci will soon be available, but in the meantime we are soliciting presentation proposals through the following form:


The daylong event will be held on June 7th at Main Street Landing in Burlington, Vermont. Presentation proposals should include a focus on GIS, data science, and/or the intersections between them. Talks featuring cool projects, demos, and new tech are all welcome! Each presentation is allocated 20 minutes, with 5 minutes budgeted for discussion after every talk. The submission deadline for presentations is April 1st, after which presenters will be contacted with notification of acceptance and further details.


The schedule for GeoDatSci is as follows (more details and link to an event website to come!):

June 6th, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. @ The Generator (Burlington, VT): Pre-event highlighting unconventional data stories by geospatial artists and makers (free and open to the public!)

June 7th, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. @ Main Street Landing (Burlington, VT): Main event featuring keynote speaker, how-to demonstrations, projects, and new technology


We look forward to receiving your proposals!


Jenny Bower | GIS Professional
Vermont Center for Geographic Information
1 National Life Dr., Davis Bldg., 6th Floor | Montpelier, VT 05620-0501
(802) 522-3054


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