

Good Morning,


I just wanted to pass along a few upcoming training dates on this snowy second day of spring.


The Geospatial Training Program at CLEAR has scheduled a 3-day Introduction to GIS workshop for May 16-18 at our office in Haddam, CT. This is a desktop GIS focused workshop taught using ArcGIS 10.6. Cost is $400. CLEAR is also offering our Introduction to Python Scripting workshop in Haddam for June 6-7. Course fee for the Python workshop is $175. You can find out more about these two workshops and register online on the CLEAR website:


I’m also looking for your feedback. We are interested in developing, in collaboration with our fellow Geospatial Extension Educators in NH and RI, a one-day transition to ArcGIS Pro workshop. This will a workshop focused more on techniques and transition rather than theory, so some background in GIS will likely be required for workshop participants. If any of you power users (or casual users) have suggestions as to what you’d like to see in this type of training, please send me a note or come catch me at the Network meeting on Friday. I’d love to hear from you.


Finally, I’d like to pass along one other opportunity. CLEAR is also involved in an NSF-funded program called the Conservation Training Partnerships, part of the Natural Resources Conservation Academy at UConn. We have 4 workshops coming up in April and June (in various locations across the state) that pair a high school student with an adult, teach them how to do basic mapping using smartphones and web mapping in a 2-day workshop, and then send them out into their communities to complete a small conservation project together. I thought of you all because I think this is a wonderful opportunity for you to use your professional skills to mentor students and make a difference in your communities. If you are interested in this (free!) opportunity, you can learn more and register for one of the upcoming workshops on the NRCA website:


If you have any questions about these opportunities, don’t hesitate to contact me! Thanks everyone. Enjoy the snow.




Cary Chadwick, Geospatial Educator
University of Connecticut

Center for Land use Education and Research (CLEAR)

UConn Extension

1066 Saybrook Rd., PO Box 70

Haddam, CT 06438

PHONE: 860-345-5216

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