

Good Morning,

I’m curious about your data sharing policies for your utility data.

In the past, we’ve shared essentially nothing by the order of our previous GM. I’ve pressed to share hydrant, pole and manhole locations as they are visible assets anyway. But should we make more than that public?

I’d like to survey you to find out where we might want to be.
 I’m wondering where people are drawing their boundaries between public and by request only, what the standard is now.

What is considered public and does not need a data request form? Which data need a request form?

I know of one town that has a water utility that posts all of its water data online for everyone to download. What are other people doing with their water data? How about electric data?



Nicholas McNamara, GISP

GIS Coordinator

South Norwalk Electric and Water

Phone: (203) 866-3366 ext. 2077



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