

Good morning everyone

As many of you know, for the last several years I have been conducting a
survey to assess the acceptance of the various GIS certifications within our
industry. The purpose is to determine the overall value of the
certifications and help provide guidance on which if any someone should
pursue. I generally report the results of the survey at the URISA GIS Pro
conference as well as other conferences.


This year's survey has been open for a while and over 500 people have taken
part. The survey is still open, if you would like to participate. Just click
on the link below:


Thanks to everyone that has taken the time to respond to the survey. Please
feel free to share this with anyone or groups you know that have an interest
in GIS or are part of the hiring process for GIS staff. 


Tripp Corbin, MCP, GISP | Chief Executive Officer
 <> eGIS Associates, Inc.

 <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] | 

678-710-9710 ext 0021 | 678-672-8970 Direct Dial

Esri Certified Desktop Professional | Esri Certified Enterprise System
Design Associate





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