Good Morning GIS Community Member!

The New York State GIS Association invites you to register for the upcoming webinar on Thursday August 23GIS Data Sources I Never Knew,”  hosted by BobScardamalia the current President of RLS Demographics, Inc..

Often times we get stuck in our silos with project demands and little time and resources to explore new data and tools. There is a world of public data available from state and federal agencies – in addition to the primary statistics agencies like Census and BLS – and this webinar will explore sources that can add value to your research and analysis. We’ll focus on public data with small area statistics and also explore examples of sites specializing in data aggregation and presentation.  

Register now, there is no charge. This webinar is open to all GIS professionals. You do not need to reside in New York State to participate in this webinar.  In addition, membership in the NYS GIS Association, is not a requirement, but is encouraged! The $10 per year dues helps us bring you these free webinars as well as other training and conferences and much more.  If you are already a member, thank you! Please remember to renew your membership as soon as possible.

Thank you for your consideration and participation! 

Professional Development Committee, NYS GIS Association

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!!! The 2018 New York State GeoSpatial Summit will be held on September 26, 2018 at the Welch-Allyn Lodge in Skaneateles Falls, NY.

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