

Dear all,

Today the speaker in the Analysis and Probability seminar is Walter Schachermayer from the University of Vienna. The title of his talk is "A trajectorial interpretation of Doob's martingale inequalitiesand the abstract of the talk can be found here. The seminar starts at 1:30 at MONT 313

Everyone is welcome.

Current & Upcoming Seminar Talks

October 12: Walter Schachermayer (University of Vienna)
October 19: Marc Mancuso (Washington University in St. Louis)
November 02: No Seminar, Workshop "Functional Inequalities in Probability"
November 09: Guozhen Lu (University of Connecticut)
November 30: Jose Conde Alonso (Brown University)


Vasileios Chousionis

Assistant Professor 

Department of Mathematics 

University of Connecticut