

Hello Middlesex 4-H Community!

I got this message below from Jen Huddleston.  She is working with a program called Giving Garden.  She can be contacted directly at [log in to unmask] .  They are looking for volunteers to work in the garden.  This is a great opportunity for 4-H members to give back to the community, to get outside and work with their hands, and to do great community service work!  If the time is tracked I will sign off on this as community service for school as well.


original message sent to me...

I wanted to reach out because we are starting a new project called the Giving Garden. It is located at the Middlefield Community Center. We are going to donate 100% of the fresh organic food we grow to area soup kitchens, food pantries, senior centers, etc. If you have any folks who are looking for volunteer opportunities, please let me know!

All the best,

Jen Huddleston