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Education Award

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The Middlesex County 4-H Advisory Committee
Academic Award
The Middlesex County 4-H Advisory Committee, awards three (3) academic awards of $500.00 each to a graduation high school or home schooled senior to assist them in their education at an accredited institution of higher learning.•✤One (1) Leadership - Middlesex County Advisory Committee
•✤One (1) Community Service - Lillian Logan
•✤One (1) Agriculture - Louis O. Pettengill
REQUIREMENTS1.The applicant must be a high school or home school equivalent senior and must have been an active participant in the Middlesex county 4-H program.
2.Must currently be enrolled in the Middlesex County 4-H program and has completed a minimum of six (6) years in the Middlesex County 4-H program either as a club or lone member.
3. No applicant will be considered for an award without submitting a completed form.
4. Completed application form must submitted via emailed to the on-line address on or before 12:00 midnight May 1st of that given year. No hard copy form will be accepted.
5.Application must be approved and signed and dated by your 4-H Leader if you are in a club and the Extension educator if you are a lone member to show you are in good standing within the 4-H program.
6. All questions on the application must be answered to be considered for an award. 
7. Proof of acceptance or enrollment in higher education accredited institution must be supplied to the Middlesex County 4-H office prior to issue of awarded check.
8. Award recipients will be notified of their award prior to July 1 of that given year.
9. Scholarship recipient check will be handed out at the Middlesex New Haven County Fair. (The fair takes place 1st weekend in August, and recipient need not be present, however, your attendance would be most appreciated.)
10.Application will be judged on the basis of:
•✤Completion of the application
•✤Involvement in respectful area
•✤4-H Program participation
The Middlesex County 4-H  Academic Award sub-committee reserves the right to not issue an award if no applicant adequately fulfills the requirements set forth.
Education Award .pdf  aa2018mcc4h.pdf
​Education Award .doc  aa2018mcc4h.docx 
4-H Application [log in to unmask]