

Fair Forms Please respond to Peggy Grillo if you have any questions about this message!

This is being sent to the New Haven, Middlesex & 4-H Fair Distribution Lists:

Thank you to everyone who came out this past week to register for the 4-H Fair. We were able to get much of the paper work out of the way. However, there were some people for various reasons unable to attend.

I am offering the following times for people to come to my office (New Haven County Extension Center, 305 Skiff Street, North Haven) and get caught up. RSVP is required as several of these dates will be a weekend or night. Please remember: if you plan on showing an animal, your verification forms were due by June 1; however, there is an extended deadline through June 15 if the late fee is paid. Contact Emily Alger or Peggy Grillo if you have questions.

I am attaching the fair forms for Record Books and both Exhibitor and Over the Clover to this email in case you need them.  The other registration forms such as overnight camping and individual animal registration will be on the website shortly.

Peggy Make-Up Times to Register for the 4-H Fair (RSVP Required)

Please call or email Peggy the day before to sign up:  (203) 407-3158 or email Peggy