

This is being sent to the New Haven, Middlesex & 4-H Fair Distribution Lists - - Thank you to everyone who came out this past week to register for the 4-H Fair.  We were able to get much of the paper work out of the way.  However, there were some people for various reasons unable to attend.  I am offering the follow times for people to come to my office (New Haven Extension Center) and get caught up.  A RSVP is required as several of those dates will be a weekend or night.  
Please remember, if you plan on showing an animal, your verification forms were due by June 1 – however, there is an extended deadline through June 15 if the late fee is paid.  Contact Emily or myself if you have questions.  I am attaching the fair forms for record books and both Exhibitor and Over the Clover to this email in case you might need them – the other registration forms such as overnight camping and individual animal registration will be on the website shortly. 
Make-Up Times to register for the 4-H Fair – please call or email Peggy the day before to sign up –(203-407-3158 or email at [log in to unmask])
Saturday, June 8 between 10 and 12
Tuesday, June 11 between 1 and 9
Wednesday, June 12 between 1 and 7