

Hi all,

For our 4-H Fair, the Middlesex County Food booth needs your help!

First - we are asking all 4-H families who can to bring along a 12 pack of drinks we can sell from the food booth.  They can be soda, water, ice tea, sparkling water, lemonade, anything cold and refreshing.  I ask you NOT bring energy drinks like monster or red bull.  your contribution turns into straight profit for our booth.  Donations can be dropped at the office between 8-5 weekdays until Friday August 2.  They can also be dropped at the fairgrounds the night of home arts check in or at fair set up.

WE also need help in the booth  any parent/adult who can give us 2 hours would be greatly appreciated!

[log in to unmask] is Ruth's email address. She can help get you in the schedule!  If you can help out, please know we can not have children in the food booth with you, its too dangerous and the space is very tight.  If you are helping out please wear appropriate shoes/clothes for your safety if you plan to cook or prep.  We so very much need your help - it is a major fundraiser for our advisory committee...

Thanks for all you do - I hope your summers are going well!
