

Back in the 9.3 days there was a VBA script that did exactly that.  

Someone should port that to Python 3

Daniel Shinnick

On Fri, Jul 19, 2019, 9:26 AM Paul Elsholz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I am trying to assign unique ID numbers to catch basins. Ideally the numbers would be somewhat in sequence as one travels along the drain pipes from the outlet.


                              IDEAL                                                                         NOT IDEAL

[log in to unmask]" alt="A picture containing object Description automatically generated">[log in to unmask]" alt="A picture containing object, clock Description automatically generated">

                 OUTLET                                                                                OUTLET


Can someone suggest a workflow, tool, or a python script that might help me accomplish my goal?  I find the idea of doing this manually for thousands of catch basins abhorrent.  I would welcome any suggestions.


Paul Elsholz, GIS Coordinator

City of Laconia

27 Bisson Ave.

Laconia, NH 03246

Phone: (603) 528-6379 x304

[log in to unmask]


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