It sounds like what you are looking for is hydrologic sequencing.  ESRI's ArcHydro Tools may have this incorporated in their tools. Also NHDPlus has hydrologic sequencing as an attribute to natural flows. You would have to reach out to either of these entities to get more information.

- Pete

Pete Steeves
GIS Specialist- USGS

On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 9:27 AM Paul Elsholz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I am trying to assign unique ID numbers to catch basins. Ideally the numbers would be somewhat in sequence as one travels along the drain pipes from the outlet.


                              IDEAL                                                                         NOT IDEAL

A picture containing object

Description automatically generatedA picture containing object, clock

Description automatically generated

                 OUTLET                                                                                OUTLET


Can someone suggest a workflow, tool, or a python script that might help me accomplish my goal?  I find the idea of doing this manually for thousands of catch basins abhorrent.  I would welcome any suggestions.


Paul Elsholz, GIS Coordinator

City of Laconia

27 Bisson Ave.

Laconia, NH 03246

Phone: (603) 528-6379 x304

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