

*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

After careful consideration of the situation surrounding the novel coronavirus and taking all precautionary measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control<;;sdata=DRsCmk78PdyRxf000%2Bt0RL3QV5Xz1t6XiBP%2Fl2Utb%2BY%3D&amp;reserved=0> (CDC) and the World Health Organization<;;sdata=ko3jmwn%2F1SDsyJQ4JzUHX0S9JvPztRoNmIdw1uU3tbk%3D&amp;reserved=0> (WHO), we have decided to change the ArcGIS User Seminar and Workshop in Hartford, to a virtual event to be held at a later date.

We apologize for any disruptions this may cause in your schedule. We will be in touch soon to announce the date and details of the virtual event.

Esri Boston

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