

Dear Student Employee Supervisors,

The fall semester will bring a partial opening of the Storrs and regional campuses. As student supervisors we are encouraging you to follow the Human Resource Guidelines<> as it pertains to telecommuting and reporting to work.

Please note, these guidelines are applicable to Student Labor and Federal Work Study students.

We have compiled a list of FAQs for your reference:

  *   Can I hire students for the in-person operations of my department? Am I required to obtain additional approval?

Yes, student employees can be hired for in-person operations, there is no additional approval required.

  *   I would like to hire a student employee that will be telecommuting, do I need to seek additional approval or notify HR of the remote work environment?

Yes, students can be hired to work remote. There is no notification or approval required by Human Resources or the Student Employment Office.

  *   Are student employees required to complete the mandatory Environmental Health & Safety Training (EH & S) upon re-entry to in-person employment?

Yes, students should complete the Environmental Health & Safety Training<> and alert supervisors upon completion.

  *   What are the testing requirements for off-campus student employees who are online/distance learning only?

Student testing is being facilitated by Student Health and Wellness<> (SHaW). Please refer to their FAQ<> as it relates to testing requirements.

  *   Who/what department will be facilitating/monitoring the testing for off-campus students (who are online/distance learning) but secure on-campus employment?

Testing is required for all students returning to campus for learning and/or employment. Please refer to SHaW<> for additional information on student testing.

  *   Can a student employee work in an office without a full-time staff member present?

Student employees who have completed the required EH & S training<> and who can perform their duties independently, may work on campus without a full-time staff member present.

  *   Will student employees be paid if they are COVID positive and are required to quarantine?

No, if the duties cannot be performed remotely, students will not be paid. However, if the student employee has earned sick time during their employment, they may use it to compensate their time off. Please refer to the student employment sick time policy<> for more information regarding accruals.

  *   I would like to hire an out-of-state student to help with the reopening of campus/my  department. If they produce a negative COVID test result, can they begin work prior to the completion of the mandated, 14-day quarantine?

No, students traveling to CT from states listed on the Connecticut Travel Advisory<> are required to self-quarantine for 14 days. A negative COVID test result does not expedite this process.

  *   Can I hire an international student to work remote while they are in their home country?

No, at this time the University cannot hire international students to work remotely.

We have attached a sample offer letter, please feel free to use this template and edit to meet the needs of your department

Kind regards from,

Student Employment


Cindy Garrison
Student Employment Officer
Office of Student Financial Aid Services
University of Connecticut
860 486-2819 phone
860 486-6629 fax