*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Hi all,

It is that most exciting time again, where I must pick out a new laptop from the options that we have on state contract...I am looking for best options for GIS applications, I am currently using an HP Z-book but would like something less bulky with better battery life.  

Anyone using a computer that they LOVE right now?   Or ones to stay away from?  

Be well,


​*Please note that I am working remotely during this time; for urgent matters, please call my cell phone at 203-209-4023.

Kristin DeRosia-Banick | Supervising Environmental Analyst
State of Connecticut Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Aquaculture

Cell:      203.209.4023 | Fax:     203.783.9976

Email:  [log in to unmask]

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