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I am finalizing the Connecticut VIRTUAL GIS Day Schedule as I type this! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS! The day is JAMMED with fantastic presentations, discussion panels, maps, apps, and workshops! YOU NEED TO REGISTER TO ATTEND! We will be using the Zoom platform (not the Webex as previously mentioned). Visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfq9Obk3WyI0jF8rqyrK3edKh3GZ6gf8OXTPaKCI63KsVCZSg/viewform to register so that we can send you the connection invitation! The agenda will be sent out next week for those of you who are deciding to wait... You can also check our GIS Hub site for details and updates as well: https://gis-day-2020-ccsu.hub.arcgis.com/ . I am really excited about this! I am looking forward to seeing everyone there! 

If you have any questions, please be sure to reach out to me!

Kind regards,

Thad J. Dymkowski, GISP
Instructor, Geography
Central Connecticut State University
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