

This email is sent on behalf of Emily and Peggy!
Please respond to them with any questions (especially about joining Zoom Meetings!).

We hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather.

This is to remind you about the upcoming Open House we are holding this coming Friday from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. The link is at the bottom of this email.

Everyone is encouraged to attend and participate in the program we have planned. There should be something for everyone to help you increase your knowledge of how the fair is conducted, whether you want to increase your involvement by helping with the planning, volunteering for the set-up to those interested in holding an office or volunteer mentor position. Topics to be covered include:

That being said, the nominating committee has been working hard to come up with a slate of officers/mentors for 2021. If you are interested in an office, there will be information at this meeting on how to get in touch with the committee to express interest. Open positions will be covered during the Open House.

We are still looking for names of people to fill the vacant spots. Only self-nominations will be accepted. Stephanie Bicknell is chair of this committee and welcomes your self-nominations. 4-H leaders: please encourage your members to attend this meeting and learn about the opportunities.

The Officer Manual is attached in case you have questions about a specific office’s responsibilities. This manual is based on the implementation of a face to face 4-H fair, unlike 2020. We would like to try an activity using Mentimeter (online polling, etc.). If at all possible, sign in using your computer or iPad and use another device to go to a second web browser – you can also use your computer to pull up a second.

Link to Friday’s meeting:

Margaret Grillo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Copy this link if you need to:

One tap mobile
+13017158592,,82801038969#,,,,,,0#,,380430# US (Washington D.C)
+13126266799,,82801038969#,,,,,,0#,,380430# US (Chicago)

Or call
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)*
Meeting ID: 828 0103 8969
Passcode: 380430

*Or Find another local number here

Please respond to Peggy or Emily if you have questions!