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Friends and colleagues,

The GIS Day committee reviewed all of the GIS Day maps submitted and also weighed in on their choices for recognition. The winners are split into 2 groups based on professional status and student status. The winners for each category are as follows:

Professional submissions:

first place: "Disk Golf Story Map", David Scherf, GISP, Manager of GIS/Technical Services, Engineering Department, City of Torrington, CT

second place: "CT DEEP Geographic Information Systems Open Data Website" by Stuart DeLand, Environmental Analyst 2, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

third place: "Using Web-GIS to collaborate with the public and solicit input on the Bristol RI, Bike Path Connector", David Cook, Geographic Information System Administrator, Fuss & O'Neill, Inc.


Student submissions:

first place: "Salamander Spring Migration Collision Risk Areas in Farmington, CT", Anastasia Dildin, Student, Central Connecticut State University

Second place: "Cases of COVID-19 Reported in Connecticut by Town- ArcGIS Dashboard", Adam Gallaher, Grad Student, University of Connecticut

Third place: "Connecticut Stone Wall Mapper", Ji Won Suh, Graduate Student, University of Connecticut

Congratulations to the winners!

Thad J. Dymkowski, GISP
Instructor, Geography
Central Connecticut State University

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