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Hello GIS listserv users,


As you may know, Connecticut has a State Data Plan, which can and should include planning for state coordination and management of GIS data. We are in the process of revising and updating the plan for 2021 – 2022 and it would be great to hear from members of the GIS community about how to improve the current draft of the Plan:




Members of this list are also welcome and encouraged to reach out directly if you have questions or suggestions related to the Plan; my contact info is below.






Chief Data Officer

Office of Policy and Management

State of Connecticut       

450 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT  06106

Office:  (860) 418-6236

Mobile: (860) 371-5058

Email: [log in to unmask]


------------------------------------------------------------------------- This list (CTGIS-L) is an unmoderated discussion list for all CT GIS Users.

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