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Friends and Colleagues,

Today is truly a great day for all of us that use GIS or one of the many geospatial products or data created for us. Today is GIS Day in the great State of Connecticut! Please join us for a day of virtual education, information, and congregation as peers, colleagues, and friends of GIS and Geospatial Technology as a whole. Invite your friends and co-workers as well, all are welcome to this completely free virtual event! Help us to spread the good word of the great work done with GIS every day across the state.

Please visit our hub site https://gis-day-2020-ccsu.hub.arcgis.com/ for details including the agenda, some great GIS day content, and instructions on how to attend! 

I look forward to seeing you there!

Stay safe, wear a mask, and wash your hands!

Kind regards,

Thad J. Dymkowski, GISP
Instructor, Geography
Central Connecticut State University
------------------------------------------------------------------------- This list (CTGIS-L) is an unmoderated discussion list for all CT GIS Users.

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